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Child in White      

Spooky Sunday 31/01/2021

Child ghost in white Spooky Sunday Mystical Times blog

This weeks Spooky Sunday is a photograph taken at a farm in Hertfordshire in 2008 by photographer and graphic designer Neil Sandbach. He was photographing scenic shots around the farm as he a project for a couple who were to have their wedding ceremony performed at the farm later that year and wanted the wedding invites to include a photo of their chosen venue.

Later when Neil was going through his digital images, he spotted a small figure in white, peeking round the corner of one of the farm buildings. The childlike figure seems to be almost glowing and Neil was certain no-one else was about at the times he was taking photos.

Neil showed this photo to the couple and they were perplexed. They later asked the staff at the farm wedding venue if had been anything ghostly goings on (without mentioning the photo Neil had taken) and several members of staff said they had seen a small boy in white night clothes around the area of the barn.