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The Face in the Window

Spooky Sunday 25/07/2021
Face in the window Spooky Sunday 27 July 2021

This black & white photo was taken was taken of an abandoned building in Largs, North Ayrshire, Scotland in the month of September 2016.

The creepy ruin, near to the Burns Garden in the seaside town's Douglas Park and is believed to lie close to a prehistoric burial ground. The man who took the photo wanted to remain anonymous but said he had lived in the area for 4 years and was a keen photographer so would visit the grounds to take photos on his 80 year old Rolliflex.The film used for this photo was a Foma 400 film The photographer also developed his own films and was very taken aback when he saw the face in the glassless window!

The original photo is above with 2 close up photos showing the face in great detail. The face was even seen in the negative of the photograph so whatever it is, the camera picked it up. The photographer wasn't interested in anything to do with the paranormal, yet remains perplexed by what he managed to photograph that day.