Ghosts and Hauntings of Tewkesbury

The Royal Hop Pole Hauntings

The Royal Hop Pole is now a chain owned pub and restaurant, which is situated on Church Street. The building dates back to medieval times and was, at one time, two separate buildings; a private residence and a coaching inn. It is also mentioned by Charles Dickens, in The Pickwick Papers.

On the first floor, staff have reported one area becoming extremely chilly and they are reluctant to go on that floor during the night. Rumour has it that this chilling presence is that of the ghost of a chef that once worked there when it was a coaching inn. The chef was said to have stabbed to death one of the serving maids he was having an affair with as she was about to tell his wife about their affair. The chef was then said to have thrown himself into the River Avon, which is at the back of the building.  

In the 1950’s, a member of staff went to the yard to fill the coal buckets up when he looked up and saw a man staring at him. This silent man was wearing a cloak and riding boots, very much in style with the civil war. When the member of staff spoke to him, the figure disappeared right in front of him. 

The most amazing ghostly experience in this building was when a night porter saw Roman soldiers marching in unison across the ground floor landing but only saw them from the waist up.