The Ghost of Winchcombe, Gloucestershire 

A newspaper report in 1949 told of the upcoming radio programme, called ‘Ghosts’, which featured the lonely encounter of Mr W Bassett-Green in the Cotswold town of Winchcombe. The Gloucestershire Echo had been approached by Mr Bassett-Green, who was wanting to know if others who had experienced this ghostly entity. Readers had written to Mr Bassett-Green, who was known as the donor for the Lady Godiva statue that stands in Coventry and told him of their encounters with the towns spook.

On a November night, Mr Bassett-Green had returned to Winchcombe by train, after visiting a sick relative. He walked from Winchcombe train station, along the Greet Road. As he approached the hollow near the cemetery, he got an uneasy feeling, as though someone was following him, despite no one being seen. Then all of a sudden, a tall dark figure came along the middle of the road and overtook Mr Bassett-Green, but the figure was walking 2 feet off the ground!  

Mr Bassett-Green’s first reaction was a practical one. He thought the figure would get hurt walking in the middle of the road like that and as he was about to tell the figure to get off the road and onto the footpath, the figure suddenly vanished into thin air!


Mr Bassett-Green hurried home, only to be met with the news that the ill relative he had just returned from seeing, had sadly died.

When asking some of the oldest inhabitants of the town, if they had seen this ghost, they exclaimed that it was widely known that Winchcombe had its very own ghost, and many have seen it. Mr Bassett-Green said that the figure was possibly a Monk as it wore a long, dark habit, which the hood was pulled up over the figures head.  

Winchcombe did have its very own Abbey, where the monks would tend to the sick and dying. Where the Abbey once stood, the residents of nearby properties would often hear strains of music after midnight. Some Winchcombe residents would say that this ghostly monk and the music heard after midnight, would link into the Abbey, with its midnight mass and the monks who lived and worked there. 

There are still reports of this ghost being witnessed around the town in the present day, so if you have seen this ghostly figure in Winchcombe then please send me your encounter to this email address-