The mysterious happenings began nine days ago, when inanimate objects
are alleged to have shown a tendency to move about of their own accord. This is
said to have developed to an amazing yet very unpleasant extent.
To a newspaper
reporter, who visited the house, Mrs. Vaughan declared that candles had jumped
from candlesticks and stood on end on the floor, and that boots and leggings
and other articles had vanished out of the house, only to return at a later time.
Once while she was cooking, a pen stood in front of her with the nib stuck in a
piece of wood.
On the roof of the
cottage are many stones, which some people, including Mrs. Vaughan, gravely
assert jumped from the ground of their own volition. Mrs. Vaughan, who,
as will be noted, is more than a little superstitious, adds that these things
happened because she was bewitched! The family have occupied the cottage for
eight years and nothing like this has happened before.
During the last
few days inexplicable movements of articles of clothing and furniture are said
to have been seen by many witnesses. So alarmed was the
husband at the occurrences that he armed himself with a gun but found nothing
to shoot at.
And so for the
present the situation remains. Meanwhile, Mrs Vaughan declared that if the rush
of ghost investigators continues, she will lock up and leave the house.