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Latest episode- Mysterious Happenings at Megalithic Sites

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Michele Eve shares intriguing spooky real life experiences, eerie encounters, and historical mysteries, often centred around the beautiful and historic county of Gloucestershire in the United Kingdom. Her blog and podcast provide a captivating blend of mystery, history, and the supernatural.

Latest Blog Posts

Avebury Fairy experience
The Boggart of Blackley
Mystical Times Blog Podcast with Michele Eve
My Own Spooky Experiences
Avebury Fairy Experience- The light of the pub was helpful when going towards the stones. We stopped at the third stone, where me and my partner huddled against the stone together. For some reason, I didn't want to go over to my favourite stone (The Devils Chair), which was just 3 stones away, so we remained huddled at the 3rd stone opposite the pub... read more
Other Haunted Counties in the UK
The Boggart of Blackley- In 1852, the Manchester Courier newspaper, reported the strange goings on in a property in the usually peaceful village of Blackley... read more
Episode 19- Mysterious Happenings at Megalithic Sites- These Stone Age sites are thousands of years old and can be found in many countries. Their original purpose and uses can only be guessed at, but people are still drawn to them today. Some of these sites are visited more than others, usually as they are well known. Some visitors believe these sites imbue some sort of mystical energies, whilst others see these sites as important in knowing the history of those who came before us    Listen here
Spooky Sunday Ghostly lights in pub garden

Spooky Sunday

Odd Lights & Figure in Pub Garden The figure appears to be bumping into the side of one of the marquees and the illuminous parts can be seen through one of the posts too. read more
Medieval farter


The Medieval Flatulist- It was around the reign of King Henry II (1154-1189), that there was a court entertainer called Rowland le Sarcere. He had a few names he went by; Rollandi le Pettour, Rollandus le Pettus, Roland le Fartere, Roulandus le Fartere, and Roland le Sarcere, or in plain English- Rowland the Farter- read more

Time Slip Terror Ireland

Time Slips

The Timeslip Terror - It was in total darkness that he decided to try and find shelter. He came across a light, of what he thought was a cottage. He made his way to the light and, as he got closer, he discovered the light was coming from the open hatch of a boat- read more
The Grey Ladies of Gloucestershire

Ghostly Gloucestershire

The Grey Ladies of Gloucestershire It would seem that the sightings of Grey Ladies are usually witnessed in older houses and always seem to be linked with a sad and tragic tale of centuries ago.. Read more
The Last Resting Place

Strange Deaths and Burials

The Last Resting Place- It was in 1965 when the digging for the foundations of the building that went on to become Debenhams in Gloucester city centre came across a Roman road. It was discovered that this road had been resurfaced 6 times- read more

Your Gloucestershire Spooky Experiences Wanted!

If you've had a spooky/paranormal experiences in Gloucestershire, I'd be interested in hearing about it as I'm putting together a project about spooky goings on in Gloucestershire. Please use the email link below-